They are coming! Some were huge, some were ferocious, but all are now extinct! Dinosaurs! Bring Dinosaurs to life in your classroom by implementing the “Dinosaur Dig and Research Project” in your Earth Science or Geology classroom!
Now the dinosaurs were of two kinds: some had flat teeth and ate the leaves of trees, and some had sharp teeth for eating meat, and they preyed upon the leaf-eaters. Then it happened that the leaves began to die. The mighty beasts who appeared to rule earth were ruled, in truth, by the leaf.
— Land Before Time
How to engage on your students?
Do you want to spark interest within your students? You want your students to wonder about what life was like on Earth long ago? Do your students know what a dinosaur really is, or more importantly, what they are not? Most people do not know what the requirements are for a creature to be classified as a dinosaur. Ask your students and they will likely admit that they are unsure of the qualifications. Ask your students to identify dinosaurs and few will be able to name any beyond the most famous crew (Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, Velociraptor….) There are in fact MANY dinosaurs and much information is known about them.
Relate on their most memorable Dinosaur film!
Remind them of a much-loved animated film “Land Before Time” (it is impressive how many of them still know this film) and listen to them reminisce about their youth and interest in dinosaurs. They will become animated themselves about the prospect about learning more. Sparking interest in students is a key aspect in academic growth. With the coming project from Midnight Star, students will think critically, collaborate with their peers and synthesize information across resources in order to create their own unique book on dinosaurs. Whether you teach elementary school, junior high science or high school science, the perfect project will soon be available for you!
This article was originally published at