Thanksgiving week is here! I am always grateful for time with family, eating good food, playing cards and laughing! It is also a time to recharge my mind and heart for the remainder of the semester.
Reflection time is always good and provides the opportunity. To create a clear path for finishing the semester as strong as possible. What are the needs for my students? Where have I been strong, and where can I improve? Which of the Geology activities will best suit the needs of my students? Do they need to be tweaked before implementing them?
Studying Types of Rocks
Every year I teach I learn more and more about the techniques that really make improvements in student learning. I Listen to my students; they will let me know how they feel about their progress on the content we are studying. As we close out the semester in Geology, students will need to be able to identify igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks for the final exam.
In addition, they need to be able to explain how these rocks form. These skills require critical thinking, and the ability to be able to distinguish between many types of rocks. I am very excited about the geology video clips that are in the making for my TpT store starting in January. As I have been working on them, I have been posting them on my school web site for the students to view.
Geology Video Activities coming soon!
They have given me feedback and I have continued to improve upon them and am looking forward to unveiling them for other teachers to use. The Geology worksheets I have developed are very helpful for my students, but videos help students to be able to visualize concepts even more clearly. When do you teach students how to identify minerals and rocks?
Visit my TpT store (Midnightstar) to see the creative Geology worksheets and activities I have created for my classroom. You are bound to find something that will work for you and your students!
This article was originally published at