Dinosaurs Activity, Plans, & Printables


Who does not love dinosaurs?  Are you trying to find a way to spark interest in your earth science or geology students?  Do you have a child at home who loves dinosaurs and wants to learn more about them?  You have come to the right place!  No matter the age group or ability level you are looking for Midnight Star has the perfect dinosaurs activity for you.


Dinosaurs advanced level activity

Is design for high school students who need a challenge.  The “Dinosaur Dig and Research Project” contains 36 individual dinosaurs for students to “dig”, assemble and then research.  Each page of bones contains three separate dinosaurs from approximately the same time period to cut out, assemble and identify.  In addition, each page contains missing bone pieces as well as extra bone pieces.  Students will be given reference pages of correct bone assemblies to help them accurately build and name the animals.  Once each animal has been correctly identified, students glue the pieces to paper, sketch in the missing bones and draw the “skin” around the animal.  Researching specific information about their dinosaur gives students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of dinosaurs and to realize the depth of knowledge that scientists have about this amazing group of fossils.


Junior level Dinosaur activity

This is designed for younger students (middle school) or for high school teachers looking for a simpler or shorter version of this dinosaurs activity for their classrooms.  This activity is very similar to the advanced level, however it contains bone pages with only two animals each, fewer missing bones and fewer extra bones.  With 36 individual dinosaurs, everyone in the class researches their own unique animal, no duplicates even with large classes!


Dinosaurs Elementary level activities

Are designed for younger students. One dinosaur per page without missing or extra bones and fewer pieces of bones to assemble.  Simplified research activities are included as well.


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This article was originally published at midnightstarsciencelessons.com.